skin and song of the day:

☆ skin: d.n. angel: separating winds
☆ song: database by man with a mission (log horizon op)

wow!! this is my first post on my own site's blog. through the years, ive used blogger, livejournal, tumblr... all the big blogging boys. but i always figured it would be too hard to make my own site. during my 2012-2014 tumblr era i got really into custom themes, using my small amount of prior knowlege from making rp formats on gaia online. i was "coding"... in a really really basic way. which was fine with me! but doing a whole theme or site from scratch was daunting.

over the years i've learned more about it and i feel much more comfortable with html and javascript. i also like iframes lol sue me. so, now felt like a good time to do my own site. i'm really fatigued with social media as a whole due to the algorhythm. i dont even know how to spell that fucking word lol. i hate how i never see posts from my friends anymore because instagram wants to feed me tradwife propaganda or try to get me to invest in mlm pyramid schemes. i've grown jaded from over a decade working in marketing and advertising. it drives me crazy knowing everything on the internet is designed to sell me something or make me feel incomplete or inadequate in some way, like i somehow need more than i already have to feel like i have something to post about.

the crazy thing is, even if you buy a trampoline off an ad you saw online that made you say "i need a trampoline!", the ads dont stop! the internet is designed to then advertise bigger, better, more advanced trampolines to you, or show you content of people being paid to say "i got a trampoline and i still have depression, so i had to sell my trampoline and buy a bouncy house to really find myself". like dude i was happy before i even had the freaking trampoline. and the most prevalent place where this kind of marketing happens is on social media.

so because i can't escape that algorythm no matter where i go online (twitter, tumblr, instagram, literally ANYWHERE designed for you to post pics and browse content) i decided it was time to do my own thing. make my own site and my own blog! so now here we are! the site is still very incomplete and under construction. someday maybe i'll really start from ground zero and like, illustrate my own site frame, draw it out and all that. but for now i'm really happy with this.

this site reminds me of a happy time when the internet didn't feel like one big ad.

i'm planning on adding a LOT more stuff here- i want to make pages for my ocs, my sona, aus i have with friends, all sorts of doo dads. weird information and stuff that nobody really cares about outside of me, but this is a place for ALL THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY! i literally have so much random shit that i love that i'm just going to put on here. there is SO MUCH. i love everything lol. IT'S COMING!!! JUST YOU WAIT!!

below is a picture of the game dark sector because it rocks. BYEEEEE

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