skin and song of the day:

☆ skin: boogiepop phantom evolution
☆ song: akira yamaoka - tender sugar (silent hill 4)


like dude light loves mikami so much its actually stupid. hes so fucking fruity and everyone always talks about how hes a ladykiller yet the only thing he does is spend the entire series being a misogynist and he absolutely despises basically any woman he meets. like he has so much contempt for misa and takada both lmao. even when sayu gets kidnapped the first thought that runs through his head is "damn would my sister dying inconvenience kira at all??" like bro is so irredeemable. i adore him lmao. and he literally picked mikami out in a crowd, love at first sight, MAILED HIM THE ENTIRE FUCKING DEATH NOTE ON A HUNCH, and then, after having 1 single phone convo with him, hes like yeahhhh. mikami is my eyes. mikami is the one i want to bring into the new world. fuck all these bitches. i want THIS autistic motherfucker lol. even as her scrambling around on the floor DYINGGG hes like mikami babe omg kill them for meeeee pookie!! mikami is always big simping for him but like. light? he is UNREAL. the level to which he comes to love mikami is INSANEEEE. and the speed. HE FELL SO HARD AND SO FAST LOL ITS GGGHHDJSKDFJKSFJJDKJKG

sometimes i think about how mikami was almost "the one" like before i discovered yowapeda and became unglued (to put it lightly) about midousuji, mikami was like. the light of my fucking life lol. i had his name as my @ on twitter for a long time. i LOVE anime lawyer men and i love anime men with dark hair who are associated with the color purple and a sense of intense foreboding. he ticks the boxes lmao. and sometimes i think about how for camp nanowrimo one year i wrote a 50k word fanfic about mikami. it was from the perspective of gevanni and it was just me being hella obsessed with him. i also 100% belive gevanni harbored some sort of crush on him from the way he talked about him. people love weird autistic OCD hoes. what can i say. i am a living testament to that statement as well.

my other even more unpopular ship/opinion is that i am absolutely convinced that matsudaL is the most viable, probable L endgame ship. consider it for a few minutes. i could present this to you like im a door to door tupperware salesman OR like im trying to convince congress to make it a law that this ship is canon with the amount of information and thoughts i have about these two inside my brain, but im gonna try to do the short version because its 11:30 and my fiancee is already asleep and i want to go to bed next to them. my main point of argument is that there are a lot of lightL shippers (i myself was one of them in ye olde days) but at the end of the day we clearly see that someone at L's level of intelligence frequently makes him overthink things and end up getting upset/depressed/frustrated when he thinks himself into a corner or doesnt "win". light doesnt bring him any peace. like even without the whole suspecting him as kira thing. and i fully believe that a person like L, who spends so much effort on solving difficult cases and having an internal monologue longer than the subspace emissary's worlds conquest, would be self aware enough to know that he DOESNT want a person like light. his brain would never turn off. i believe L would want peace. the only person who can be trusted, who he wouldnt have to THINK about everything constantly with... who ALSO admires him and accepts his complete lack of social skills? ITS MATSUDA BRO!!! i would say misa could also potentially fit into this category so i get why so many people ship them, but i think their personal systems of justice conflict too much, and misa is too much of a wildcard (misa x rem forever lol).

i think in theory, matsuda would be the one who he could genuinely trust, who has the same belief system L does, and strives for the same kind of goals, who is brave and unrelenting (both things L has expressed admiration for), who he ALSO just doesnt have to overthink every interaction with. like it would actually be possible to shut his brain off around matsuda. which is kind of an insult, but not really. like everyone knows he thinks matsuda is an idiot and he says it all the time. its a fact they both accept. but i think L likes that hes an idiot tbh. otherwise he would have made him leave the investigation early on. matsuda is predicatble. his actions are straightforward. he says exactly what's on his mind and he asks questions constantly. hes a lovable doofus and he admires L a ton already. he's also a complete bitch boy and is absolutely the type that you can ask to go to the store and get stupid items at 1 am and he would do it without hestitation if you show him love/affection lol. so L would always feel like he was "winning" in that department. he would completely have him under his thumb and would love it lmao, but at the same time he'd be thinking about how it's also the opposite. i fully 100% believe that matsuda would immediately become invaluable to him almost immediately. L is the kind of person that depends a lot on others due to his position in life and i actually think matsuda could be in that spot perfectly.

bro idk i just had to get this off my chest i have nothing else to say

OH YEAH wait i do have one more thing. i know chatgpt and other ai tools can write code and i wanted to mention on here that even though i know ai is supposed to be utilized to make peoples lives easier, nothing about this website will ever be coded by ai or assisted by an ai. i dont feel the need to use chatgpt because im not trying to churn posts/content/code etc on here out in bulk or for a profit or anything, and i like doing it the slow analog old fashioned way because it's just a labor of love done for fun and without a deadline. it also helps me keep informed and my brain bubbling with the possibilites of HTML/CSS and every new page i code helps me understand more about programming languages and all that. i LIKE doing it the slow way where i type out every div and img src and all that. i would also prefer ai be made more environmentally sustainable, factually reliable, and for image generation models to stop scraping works from artists without their consent. i just dont feel like using ai on here and will continue to write these batshit insane fucking posts and code them in zonelets by hand, as well as coding every other page i make on this site out painstakingly in notepad. OKAY BYEEEEEE RRRRATATATA