skin and song of the day:

☆ skin: grell sutcliff skin by reni94
☆ song: perfume: ONE ROOM DISCO
because of the new policies happening on twitter with the block function no longer working and all art and posts being non-optionally used in training their shit AI, a lot of people are leaving twitter in general. to everyone who is just now getting into the small web because of this through status cafe, picslog, neocities, nekoweb, webrings, etc, welcome! i 100% believe the small web is how we get back to being online in the way we were always meant to be. the wild wild west of the web will not die! it's so amazing to make connections online on the small web and learn about people and their passions through their websites that they worked so hard on. it's really fun. i would suggest reading melonking's article, intro the web revival. let's all have fun hanging out on the internet and sharing our love and creativity with the world!

i sadly had to lock my twitter account which i hate doing, because i like posting memes for me and my tkrb friends to retweet, but sadly the people i had blocked on twitter were primarily the two who used to stalk me. i keep my twitter around to retweet memes and art but i guess this means i'm fully 'moved' to the small web because i basically do not use any large social medias anymore.
though i will have to invite people to our wedding and post pictures on instagram because i have no way of contacting some people outside of that. lol. and my overseas family will want to see the pictures.
okay anyway, i'm really working hard to complete my collections pages! i really want to showcase this part of my website because like, these are things that i've poured my life (and money lol) into, my collections are basically physical manifestations of my hyperfixations in the best way. i put EVERYTHING into the random shit i collect honestly! i'm so proud to show all the things i have because idk, part of my enjoyment of experiencing a fandom or hyperfixation is the part of me that obsesses over amassing stuff like a little hoarder dragon. i get REALLY into something, i scrape together a bunch of belongings pertaining to it. that's just how it goes for me lol. then i like to display it all in an aesthetically pleasing way! so i'm really really hyped to show those pages off as i finish them.
my fiancée is getting into lolita fashion! when i first met them they were so starry eyed when they saw my collection of dresses and skirts. i immediately wanted to share stuff with them, but sadly we suffer from lesbian couples opposite syndrome. their aesthetic is very punky and gothic, with lots of black and red. mine is very girlypop lol, with an abundance of pink and lots of lavender, sax, and mint prints. we also have the issue where i have the flattest chest on earth (i literally shop for bras in the walmart kids training bra section, that's the level of flat i am lol) and they are. the opposite. so lots of things i have simply don't fit them in the bust area.
i have found that a few of my jsks with lots of back shirring can fit their bust. but the thing about my wardrobe is that it's very ME, but the prints i own are not very botcore. bot's style is so different from my own and i LOVE that about them. they also have showed interest in wearing some of my prints, but i really wanted them to have something of their own!
they have been doing their own research into lolita fashion and have had me coaching them on various stuff within the fashion. sometimes it kinda hits me that i've been in this fashion since 2010ish. wow! but they created their own coord by scouring various places online, looking at others' outfits, and searching lacemarket. eventually they came up with this gorgeous coord by themself and i was just like!! SO IMPRESSED. when i first put together a sweet lolita outfit it looked fucking GOD AWFUL. granted i was a kid. but like it looked BAD. they put together this seriously gorgeous thing and decided they wanted ap's cirque du l'étoile jsk. i bought it for them as a gift because i am just like. gobsmacked at their coord skills. and because i love buying them presents lol. keep an eye out for the completed outfit!
speaking of j-fashion, does anyone go to harajuku day in los angeles? this weekend is vkei day! since bot's main fashion is visual kei, we're 100% going to be there! see you guys saturday!
we also have an engagement dinner coming up with our immediate families, at a fancy food place on the lake. i think it's gonna be super pretty and fun because our families are all like, these chaotic and cool people. like i LOVE our families so much. half of them is like a crazy art collective and the other half are hardcore world of warcraft and tabletop gamers, and they cross over HEAVILY. my mom stans kim taehyung and bot's mom stans yoongi. like dude idk how to describe it but our families are funny as fuck and when you put them all in a room i think it's going to be the funniest memefest ever.
my sister got a ps5 and we're all going to gather at her house to binge play silent hill 2 and get as far as we possibly can in one day. i'm so fucking exctied lmao. my sister was around when i used to speedrun sh2, sh3 and sh4, though i never got as into speedrunning 2 over 3. maybe because i didn't have any world records speedrunning sh2 like i do for silent hill 3. see my tiny flex there. i still have the world record, btw. but anyway yeah this year i got bot to play silent hill 2 and they started playing 3, so i'm very hyped to experience this remake with my buddies who know the game. my brother in law is also going to play and he's going in COMPLETELY unaware of anything that goes on in the game and that's gonna be so funny!!
here's a random fun fact: once, my sister and i built a game-accurate full sized brookhaven hospital from sh3 in minecraft.

also have this picture of me lol. by "corporate job" i mean technically a corporate job but i work with only 3 people in the office together and we watch movies and stuff while we work lol

okay that's all i have for now until after harajuku day, silent hill day, and engagement dinner day lol BYEEEEEE LOVE YA FAMMM