skin and song of the day:

☆ skin: OHSHC Kyouya - Shadow King (remake)
☆ song: halcali - TANDEM
okay i am absolutely speedrunning this blog post because even though this has been the CRAZIEST FUCKING FEW WEEKS EVER, sin city anime is today and i will be out all weekend being photography staff for the duration of the con!! and im going to want to talk about it because my whole family comes and last year it was like a big family reunion and it was great, so it warrants a whole separate blog post lol. here is a picture of me for no fucking reason lol

bruh where the fuck do i even start lol. THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG POST. okay so we drove out to calabasas / thousand oaks area for a family reunion of bot's family. it was sooo much fun and we just hung out on the porch and ate el pollo loco and looked at lizards and some amazing cactuses that their relatives grow. bot's grandma has two siblings and they were both there! i also got to meet their aunt and their cousins who also love warrior cats and video games and they draw their warrior cats ocs and it's amazing! we recieved art of their warriors ocs! here's lots of pictures from that!

3 generations of bot's fam! bot, their mom, and their grandma!!
this was actually a day trip and we drove back in the evening after we got done visiting. we stopped at a mitsuwa as it was closing to grab road food (aka curry croquettes) and then zoomed home exhausted.
funny enough, we were supposed to see kard (if you dont stan kard omg please listen to their music, they are an awesome co-ed kpop group that makes banger tunes) but their USA tour was postponed! we kept our vip tickets and the LA date we have as our show is now in march. so we're definitely looking forward to that! even though we didn't see kard on this trip, we still went on our LA vacation because last saturday was HARAJUKU DAY!!!

honestly i fucking love harajuku day. everyone into jfashion is so nice all the time to us! i love that it's like a garage sale and you can find awesome used and new items and anyone can set up shop for free at the swap meet to sell things. and we have made many friends over the years who are vendors and we get to visit them as well. we got to see our pal chainsaw and their partner raven, as well as our friend visual grim! we also got to visit little may bells store and its owner, who we befriended at SCA last year!!

i wore just like a colorful fun little fit while bot went all out. the theme was visual kei and they own a tonnnn of acdc rag stuff and they made like a vkei catboy maid outfit out of their acdc rag clothes! i got compared to a jojo character (hot pants!!!) and i got to film the fashion show! it was so nice seeing raven win and everyone did such a great job including bot!! we also got beard papa cream puffs and brown sugar boba hehehe but i didn't take pics of them because i just wanted food!

here's our purikura from the day! the fucking puri machine is BUSTED AS FUCK and the stylus only allows you to drag certain stamps to the bottom quadrant of the screen. it was soooo cursed and annoying but also funny! like okay we're paying $12 for a broken ass machine LMAOOO but the memories make it worth not being able to properly decorate the pics!! they also gave us a cheki of ourselves at harajuku day which is the last pic!
also random shoutout to my sister because she works at hilton and the go hilton family and friends rate fucking rules. we are always traveling around and staying in these extremely nice classy hilton hotels for dirt cheap thanks to her. tbh i owe her my life lol
so the next day of this vacation we went to "the original farmers market"! which i have honestly never heard of before in my life despite spending half my life in LA lol. it's a really cool cluster of tiny boutique shops and a LOT of food. its giving like...1960s shopping center vibes somehow. like all the shops and stalls are sooo small and some of them have been there for like 45 years. and yeah they sell veggies and fruits and pressed juice and stuff. we went to a candy store and these lil girls were staring at me with their jaws on the floor and their mom came up to me and said i looked like "a real life unicorn princess", and "what every little girl dreams of looking like" and it literally made my day!!! we got empanadas and they were ABSOLUTELY BUSSIN. i went to a shop that sells only stickers on huge rolls and i went nuts and bought all this shit lol.

all the stickers we got!

i have enjoyed this funfetti hair thing i have been doing but i can't wait to just be evenly blonde all across my head again honestly! kids love this hair and i've had multiple elementary school age kids come up and tell me how cool my hair is and say i look like a monster high doll which is awesome and SOO ADORABLE, i remember seeing people with cool pink hair and stuff when i was a kid and always assuming i could never do that with my hair because my natural hair is black.

we ended the day by grabbing more croquettes and driving out to redondo beach to eat while the sun set on the ocean. we picked some random table and huddled up together and had the most wonderful lovely dinner ever. honestly i love my fiancee so much it's indescribable. i love going places with them, eating the simplest meals with them, enjoying the view with them, and just. really everything. if i start going off about them we'll be here all day so i'll just shut up LMAO. after dinner we went and walked around the pier for a while (redeondo beach was my childhood vacation spot) and had fun til it got too cold and we went back to the room!

for the last day of the trip we needed to go back to little tokyo for food and we had to go to the animate store and the discount book off for our touken ranbu bullshit that we always do. just fyi there is a book off in the del amo fashion center that is upstairs across the mall on the side where the animate store is where everything is marked down to $1. the regular book off has regular prices but i shit you not EVERYTHING in that other store is one dollar. i have gotten multiple kpop albums, and i mean like the full entire LY: answer album by bts and several stray kids oddinary albums from that store for a dollar each. and everything in this picture was one dollar each which is why we do this. there is no way we're paying hundreds for various tkrb merch when you can find it so discounted at book off!

my personal faves from this trip are the gokotai yukata charm, stage ishi, kanesan patch style charn (which i have never seen anything like this in my life tbh and i've been into tkrb since launch lol) and holographic kotegiri card!

i got some books too! i'm not much of a reader lol but everyone knows i'm a huge simp for bill (.....i have him tattooed on my arm lol) and unico was my childhood so i got these!

okay. now for some random little things.
i am obsessing over my tamagotchi pix. i love all my tamagotchis and here is a picture of all my not-pix tamagotchis hanging out together lol.

bot got their first lolita jsk (for the last blog post) and it looks SO COOL i cant wait for the full coord! i didnt take a picture of it entirely but it's stuffed into this part of our chaotic ass closet where coords go to die lmao

my mom is getting her first tattoos on the 9th. crazy story but for another day!!
we had our engagement dinner with our whole family last saturday! it was SOOO GOOD AND THE FOOD WAS FUCKING AMAZING but i didnt notice in the pictures that my pants leg was fucked up so LMAO i'm not posting pics from it but either way it was saur much fun i love our families so much!!
some months ago i told my coworker stacy that the only cat i would be open to adopting would be a completely blind one. currently, bot and i have moongi, who has some form of epilepsy and needs seizure meds every 12 hours, and then the kitten boys, who are both each missing one eye on the opposite side. i don't think they remember being stray kittens or having eye infections, and i also don't think they remember the loss of their eyes because they were super young. but anyways. we are a home of wayward and disabled pets. i only wanted to welcome an animal into our family if it was completely blind because i feel like we are already kind of building a little sensory house for our already disabled pets.
so what does stacy send me on a random thursday night? the animal foundation had found a street kitten with one infected/ruptured eye and one genetically underdeveloped eye. they had removed both eyes (the surgery is called a bilateral enucleation) three days before posting her online. LIKE BRUH. i showed the post to bot and we both just couldn't say no.

i don't talk about it a whole lot, but i lost my dog, hal, in february. i can't even begin to explain what he meant to me, he was my companion for 7 years of his life after i adopted him with debilitating and life threatening epilepsy. we sat through so many seizures together and he helped me while i helped him. i poured all my effort (and money lol) into treating his epilepsy and he was the reason i got up on some days. he saved me from an attempted human trafficking and protected me over everything, my steadfast loyal guard dog and piece of my heart. we lost him to cancer caused by his medication.

this kitten has the same facial markings that hal has. a white blaze and orange ears. i feel like it was a sign that adopting her was the right thing to do. our house is also a SAUSAGEFEST. three boys.... we needed a feminine presence among our cats lol.

she was still in the vet clinic when we went to the animal foundation, so we actually adopted her sight unseen. we had no idea what she looked like outside of her poor shaved eyeless head lmao. and don't worry, we only take the cone off when we're in the room playing with her and can supervise her so that she doesn't scratch her stitches! she might get the stitches taken out today too!! woohoo! her name is kirara, written 苺姫々 with the kanji for 'ichigo' and 'hime'. we used to call our old black cat, little bot, the queen. so we though it was fitting for our new girl cat to become 'hime', or princess! stacy was also the one who suggested her to us and she requested we name her strawberry since she loves the name strawberry, so we included 'ichigo' (strawberry lol) for stacy! we decided on the pronounciation of 'kirara' because it's a sparkly girl name and she's definitely a sparkly girl! she has no fears or hesitations, and just wants lots of love all the time! i'll write more about her next time AUHGHGHH

heres a fucking. picture of our living room idk i'm out of time and have to go get ready for the con now lol BYEEEE