skin and song of the day:

☆ skin: super milk-chan 1.0
☆ song: strawberry by marino
my birthday is at the very end of the year, so what better time to do a recap post?? today is dec 26, and tomorrow is dec 27 which is my birthday!
fun fact: i was an accidental baby, and my mom went into labor with me on christmas. she was so mad that she could possibly have a kid on christmas because it's the worst birthday ever, so by sheer force of will she just sat in the hospital and held me in (how?????) for roughly 30 hours, until december 27. thank you mom, for not pushing me out and making me deal with a christmas birthday! also i'm going to try to only post pictures in this post that i HAVENT posted in previous blog entries!

genuinely i dont remember this month lol. it was like a year ago at this point. i had the flu or some strain of covid during the holidays that was AWFUL and knocked me on my ass, but i was feeling better by new year's day. i do vividly remember going with bot to get 4 piercings in their lip (this was after i recovered from being sick obviously) at the same time- the whole shop was impressed! it looks VERY cool with all the piercing rod things in their face all at once lol. also, we went on another mini trip to LA and little tokyo to take pictures of our nuis and go shopping. and i believe i made this website (as in like, got my neocities account in order and started ACTUALLY working on it) in january. that's legit all i got for this month lol

this was a hard month because hal passed away on feb 12. valentine's day is my fav holiday but i was so sad and empty. i've talked about him multiple times on here but hal was a rescue with epilepsy who ended up saving my life from a human trafficking attempt. he was my "soul dog" and i literally loved him more than i will ever love any other animal. but i had long since resigned myself to losing him to a crazy seizure because of his epilepsy (it was severe) and that wasn't how his life ended. it was peaceful and surrounded by family when we learned he had terminal cancer. the end of his life shattered me but also was so cathartic. i feel like i did my job. my boy is resting now! this month we also went to harajuku day in LA about a week after he passed, i was still sad but i knew that doing fun things that make me happy would cheer me up and lift my spirits. i also got to go to LA with my coworkers because my former VP was getting a rhinoplasty KJSKJDSFSF but for actual medical reasons! so we were her recovery squad!

i definitely do tend to alter my hair when i endure sad things in life lol, because i started this month by split dyeing my hair. this has proven to be a NIGHTMARE for the rest of the year as i try to catch my natural black side up to the light blonde side. but we went to anime las vegas as casual mitsuri and obanai and it was very well received and i had lots of fun too! i spent a long time on the mitsuri wig and i think it slayed! the other insane thing that happened in march was that we adopted miroh and senkou from the best friends animal sanctuary in utah. driving out 5 hours through zion to adopt two one-eyed kittens was NOT on my bingo card but these cats are my fucking life now lol. they are literally my children. i am so obsessed with watching them grow and become more and more insane as time goes on and i wouldn't trade them for the world. so worth the drive!!! i also wrote a blog post about this trip and the kittens that's here!

okay i dont really remember this one either. but i DO know that this is when i discovered i have a heart arrythmia (idk how to spell that) and my doctor made me wear this device called a holter monitor for like a week to see if something was wrong with my heart. (the end result was that i just have an irregular heartbeat for unknown reasons and it isn't going to affect my health) i'm allergic to adhesive because of course i am, and it caused an INSANE allergic reaction on my skin that took weeks to heal. i took these pictures when i first took the monitor off and it just got worse and worse it looked like some kind of sci fi makeup shit! also this was the month where the kittens got RINGWORMMMM which came from the shelter. they were treated for it easily though and it went away! we never caught it somehow!!

this was the month where bot's mom (who we all call mommers) graduated from purdue university! we all flew out to rural indiana together to cheer her on as she walked across the stage. we stayed in the most cursed, haunted ass fucking hotel i have ever experienced, IN A GOOD WAY, i swear to god it was this crazy cold war abandoned quality inn with a huge atrium in the middle and it was always dead silent. it was the STRANGEST hotel experience i have ever had in the most fun way. after the graduation we went to the chicago museum of science & industry! the sales meeting for my work was this month too so that took up all my time at work. right near the end of this month, moongi started having serious neurological issues.

this month was mostly spent on moongi. he began having seizures and went into status epilepticus at one point (when a seizure starts and doesn't stop) and had to be taken to the emergency vet. luckily, thanks to hal having epilepsy previously, we had a lot of meds and knowledge beforehand. we were helped by a great team (dr smith and dr z are the best) and we were able to stabilize moongi after a few weeks. it was really stressful. at the same time, our oldest animal, little bot, was declining in health. we knew every day that she didn't have long, and made the difficult decision to put her down before her body was in any pain. she had cancer or some other kind of disease that made her lose weight rapidly in a few days and we knew it was time. her death didn't make me super sad, though, because she lived a wonderful life for 16 years and didn't have to suffer at all in the end. she simply moved on to her next life, and was at peace! at the end of the month, we had a free table and drinks at fontainebleau, which was a nice way to relax after all that stress! we also went to drag brunch at senor frog's with stacy and dez!

I GOT FUCKING ENGAGED!!! LOL!! there's a whole blog post about it here. i proposed to bot on the beach in san clemente while we took pics of our nuis together LMAOOO, we also did several days at the beach, walking around LA, shopping in our usual spots, and eating delicious food! honestly this proposal was like the only thing that happened in july. i was so fixated on the trip going off without a hitch as well as getting the ring properly sized, making that custom strawberry ring box, and all the stuff that comes along with a whole ass fucking marriage proposal lol.

i think that august was super chill because after the proposal i was just like vibing and totally happy. stray kids 'ate' album had come out the previous month (on our engagement date lol) and we went to a changbin cupsleeve with dez and kait to celebrate his bday as well as the album release! it was the 8th birthday of my touken ranbu citadel, the himawari no johsai, and we celebrated by going to eat at our fav vegan place, chef kenny's! at the end of the month, we went on a trip with dez and stacy to go hiking!

we started the trip out in bryce canyon, then went to zion national park! i have a whole blog post about this trip here, but long story short, my knees are fucking ass and i RUINED my joints hiking down wall street in bryce canyon, so i got to identify plants and bugs at zion while the others hiked angel's landing! bot's brother matt graduated from welding school and we went to his graduation to cheer him on! bot's birthday was on the 15th and for their bday, i got them permanent fangs by dr tom lawler of onlyfangsss! i also started tattooing my right leg- it started with 4 tattoos in 1 day (i know lol) and spiraled from there. honestly i've been meaning to work on my leg for a really long time but i always get sidetracked by getting random little tattoos here and there very often.

there is a long blog post about this month here, but basically, we went on a day trip to see bot's family in thousand oaks, we went to harajuku day again because it was vkei themed and got to see a bunch of friends, i got a fucking bunch more tattoos on my leg (i think 4 more), did a hear me out cake at my office with dez and stacy, i got my fursuit partial and started customizing it, i got into some insane drama on etsy because a seller tried to commit review extortion with my review, which ended up with me getting refunded hundreds of dollars that i thought were just lost to a shitty etsy seller so that was awesome! then at the and of the month, we adopted a blind kitten, whose name is now kira! i also DID NOT see that one coming at all, she was a total curveball and now we cannot live without her. she is our PRINCESS.

sin city anime yaaaaaaa!! i did photography for sin city anime (that blog post is here) and had an absolute blast! photographing hisacy-san and hypercore as well and sena and the rest of jiluka are a total year highlight for me! and, bot got to model in the hypercore fashion show!! we saw jiluka's concert on the last day of the con and it was absolutely fucking crazy i jumped and headbanged for HOURS. ricko's voice has me so gagged i swear i love him so much lol. i basically just did photography work (3 clients in 1 weekend at one point) got more tattoos on my leg and worked a ton on black friday content for all clients, played silent hill with bot and brina, and played hella tamagotchi lol. this was the month where i truly just locked in and worked a lot teehee

and here we are!! this month has been happy and sad. christmas tree decorating, gingerbread houses, going to the hypmic cafe... but jules' dad, jim, passed away. we all miss him so much. my mom sold her house literally the day after he passed away, and she's retiring to california. it's happy but also sad, again, because i'll miss her being here all the time (my family is very close) but i know shes going to be LIVINGGGG in her retirement. bot got super into hypmic which has made me so happy because i've basically been sitting alone in the hypmic ball pit for 7 years, so having my fiancée mutually hyperfixate on it (and our insane crackship) is SOOOO fun. christmas was so chill and it was actually a blast (we did show n tell gifts and i cooked garlic rosemary potatoes, cinnamon rolls, and marshmallow fudge brownies) and now it's my bday!!! or, about to be my bday.
overall, this year has been a lot of fun. through the loss and the grief, there are always happy moments. getting engaged was genuinely the best day of my life so far, and now i have a wedding to look forward to. we are having a long engagement because we are DIY-ing most of our wedding so that we can spend the bulk of the budget on inviting EVERYONE ON EARTH because we have big families and we both have a lot of friends. so the wedding is in spring 2026, and most of next year will be spent on planning, crafting, and saving. next year, my goals are to save a lot of money for the wedding and finish the bulk of the wedding prep. our wedding was strategically planned around our favorite groups touring and shit, which sounds insane, but i am for real when i say skz is touring in 2025 and bts will NOT have a comeback tour until after spring 2026 because of the way yoongi's enlistment is scheduled, and we won't have to worry about acme coming back to america until november. so literally even though things are happening, the things are not happening AT THE TIME of our actual wedding lol. yes this is important to both of us because we are super into music and we don't want to miss a tour lol. we literally MET because of bts so.
another goal is to continue providing a safe and loving home full of the proper care and medical attention that our rescue cats need. they are so important to me and making sure they have the best home ever is a central part of my life. the other big goal i have is to keep writing, rping, and improving this website. the small web has come to mean a lot to me in the past year. and i value the rps i have with the people i rp with so much. i love writing for all my boys: kita, jyuto, bokuto, hasebe, oz, ky, sasuke.... i really do love rping so much. i 100% will stay committed to rping in 2025!
and just because i'm saving for my wedding hardcore next year doesn't mean i don't have an exciting lineup of things already happening: i'm SOOOO EXCITED to go to kard's new era tour in march and see stray kids in the summer. also, i will be doing photography again at sin city anime and possibly another convention in the spring. and the fifth book in the foxhole court series is coming out at some point (the sequel to the sunshine court) so i have that as well! AND okami sequel, and whatever expansion happens next in warframe. also touken ranbu's 10th birthday is very soon and the final division rap battle and movie for hypmic. and can we fucking talk about the last episode of this season of helluva boss?? THAT SHIT WAS INSANE omfg and we already have our tickets for lvlup expo next year and hopefully will get a preview of the next season. OH YEAH and the last part of ultrakill is coming out. when???? who knows!!! ANYWAY UMMMMMM YEAH THERES ALOT OF THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO IN 2025!!! happy birthday to me, happy new year, merry christmas, happy holidays, and all that! i'll prolly post another recap post for my bday later!!