skin and song of the day:

☆ skin: lady sylvanas windrunner
☆ song: planets by pizzicato five

HOWWWW is it possible that i posted that last blog post on the 26th (2 weeks ago) yet it feels like 2 months have passed. but it also feel like 24 hours have passed. like i dont understand how time works truly lmao

so the 27th was MY BIRTHDAYYYYY wheee i love having a holiday birthday kind of sort of but not really but i actually do. i wasn't sure what i was actually doing on my bday because my fiancée planned it out but we ended up postponing most of it til the day after because the NUMBER 1 IMPORTANT THING TO ME was to get my bokuto tattoo!!

okay so making a long story "short", some like 6ish years ago i was on gaiaonline looking for roleplays (as one does) and i ended up getting recruited for a haikyuu group rp. i am NOT a group rp person and i mostly only do 1x1s, but haikyuu has such a good cast and i enjoy a lot of ships from the series so i said fuck it why not. the group rp ended up fizzling out, the person playing akaashi ended up becoming my dear friend lira and she invited me to a private rp. there were only 4 of us and it was a bokuto/kuroo/askaashi/tsukki (aka 3rd gym) rp, id never been in a polycule rp and i'd never considered the ship heavily (mostly bc i was a devout tsukkihina shipper before and still am a little bit BUT) i ended up falling IN LOVE with this rp. i have been so ENORMOUSLY blessed to play bokuto and to meet and get to become friends with lira, zie, and jj. our fucking crazy ass volleyball boys survived the pandemic together, and even though the rp is not active today just due to us having constraints with time/school/work/life/etc, we all catch up from time to time and in my head, our 3rd gym boys are still running around being married together lol!!!

when i say these characters have gone throughhhhh it in that rp i mean like. they have been through LIFE. you know the movie inception, how the main character's wife accidentally gets incepted into thinking reality is fake and she's lived a lifetime inside a dream and is now convinced that she has to wake up to continue her "real" life?? THATS LITERALLY HOW THEY ARE LMAO LIKE YEARS. HAVE PASSED. IN THIS RP. the compendium of texts between these four is enormous. without playing bokuto in this rp i would never know that i 'kin' him, which i use that term very loosely, but playing bokuto unlocked a part of my brain that like. changed me but also didnt change me? like i already knew who i was but in playing bokuto and stepping into his shoes i gained some confidence in my personhood and in the way that i deal with day to day life. because we are both the same and we're both human dog people who just like to hangout and chase after balls. and like bokuto can get through hardships so i know that i can get through hardships too. he evolved into my fav haikyuu character (though ushijima is still a very close second because i am simply in love with him still) and yeah bokuto has just come to mean a lot to me as a person.

most of my tattoos (i have 30 now) are literally just random shit that i decided to get tattooed on me on a whim. like imo there does not need to be a higher reason to get something inked on you other than that it looks cool or is from a neat show you watched. i have the bts logo tattooed on me because i like bts music. i have sasuke's curse mark tattooed because i think it looks badass. and i like bill cipher so i got a tattoo of him. like i don't contemplate it very much. but i DID contemplate which bokuto to get tattooed on me because he means just so much to me. i eventually settled on the "it's not impossible" panel of him because it's the best. it was done by melissa lotus on instagram and she did a great job making it into a literal 1 for 1 replica of the exact panel! I'M SO HAPPY ABOUT IT!!

anyway so that night on my bday we just fucking went to kbbq because i was craving it lol. i got to hangout and eat dinner with my fiancée bot, my sister, my bro in law will, my mom, and my bestie jules. it was so fun and we ate til we were stuffed then the staff brought out a little moon pie with a candle in it for me! and surprisingly they gave me A FREE FUCKIN HOUR OF KARAOKE at the karaoke bar next door!!! every filipino knows this hype so of course we all went and sang our hearts out after stuffing our faces. me and bot finally got to sing what's my name from descendants 2 LMAO also this jungkook thing is the only picture i took from the entire night:

so for my birthday activities, bot planned for us to go to a cute little british tea house!! i had no idea this place existed and it was like 10 mins up the street from our house. they told me that we were doing activities that involved dressing up so we both got to wear our most recent lolita coords and it was their first time getting to wear the entire coord they put together!! i was so excited bc I LOVE THEIR FUCKING COORD SO MUCH UGHHHH they absolutely slayed it down. some outfit breakdowns:

jsk: angelic pretty
headpiece: little may bells
wig, shoes, blouse, tights: amazon

jsk: angelic pretty
wig: gifted
headbow and blouse: thrifted
tights: roji roji
shoes: an*tai*na
wrist cuffs: little ghost
bag: gift from dez!!!

they gave us tea (i dont like tea so i just sat there and looked at it like :) i believe in WATER ONLY SUPREMACY) and this three-tired thing full of fancy british snacks. there were scones and jam and these egg wafer things idk the names of any of them because i'm an illiterate fucking american heathen but they were TASTY AS HELL and there was one with like eggs baked into a croissant with leeks?? it was saur good tbh. they had a little shop and a christmas three area and a christmas village ugh it was adorable. and a really sweet older lady came over and asked us all about our outfits and stuff and she was so nice!

then afterward we went down to the mandalay bay to do swingers mini golf. i've only done mini golf a couple times in my life but i love it because i'm so extremely ass at it and it's so much fun to just go knocking the little ball around uselessly. BUT I ACTUALLY WON THIS MINI GOLF!! WITH A REALLY BAD SCORE. AND ONLY BY TWO. but i still won!! we made a booking error and the staff felt bad so they gave us a bunch of food and drink tickets! then the sweet lady who was working at the end of the course gave us more free frozen drink coupons because she liked our outfits!! we had made some friends waiting in the line to play golf so we were able to share drink tickets with them and eat really yummy loaded fries. IT WAS SUCH A FUN TIME!!

bot got to experience firsthand the kind of reactions you get from people when you wear lolita. it ranges from people taking pictures of you when they think you can't see it (it's very obvious) to little kids and old people getting hyped as fuck to see you walking around, to getting catcalled and hit on by obvious weirdos, to people just glaring at you silently. sometimes you get kids telling you they think you're cinderella, sometimes you meet other jfashion people in the wild. it's a totally mixed bag. but it's usually positive and we literally got a bunch of free shit at mini golf because people loved our coords. so do with that information what you want lmao!

the other thing we did for my birthday?? WE MADE NEW FUCKING ITA BAGS!!!! this was a total surprise! i knew bot had things planned but this was not mentioned at all and i was so excited! like i mentioned in my last post, i've been into hypmic by myself for 7 years now (i remember when the official twitter account was created and rting the original preview art lmao) after trying and failing to get most of my friends interested in it. bot got super interested after discovering jyushi, who is 100% absolutely their exact type of husband lmao. they fell into this series HARD. the past couple months they have been consuming so much hypmic stuff and they started playing both mobile games. so yeah the hypmic has been going extremely strong in our household.

jyuto has been my fav since the start but still to this day i had not made an ita bag of him purely because his colors (black, red, mtc blue) don't really correlate with colors i wear regularly. so i was basically just like yeah making a bag of him wouldn't be a good idea since i would barely get to use it. but leave it to bot to come up with BRILLIANT IDEAS. jyushi's assigned sanrio crossover character is my melody, and jyuto's is kuromi. we have tons of my melody and kuromi stuff because we relate them to us but opposite, so bot is kuromi and i'm my melody. bot had the idea to like half reverse the ita bags and do black and white bags with flipped interior linings. they also bought a ton of jyushixmelody and jyutoxkuromi merch!!! when i say these bags have me gagged i am being so real lol i love them SOOOO MUCH!!

i keep also talking about "our rarepair" and "our crackship" and i 100% mean these two. we literally were just like uh fuck it let's ship our fav characters. bc thats what we always do. that's what we did with hasebe and shokudaikiri and now we rp them in like 30 dif universes. the difference between them and this ship is that this ship is like NONEXISTENT. because there is zero content of them. like they canonically don't interact at all, outside of this single drb card we just got:

but other than that?? literally nothing. like why would they be?? jyushi and jyuto is such a random fucking ship. BUT WE MAKE IT WORK. WE ALWAYS DO. LIFE FINDS A WAY!!! i'm making a page about them soon where i'll explain more lol, i gotta infodump about them somewhere!!!!!!

so after my bday i have helped my mom move, and we were lucky enough to head out to california for a second round of the hypmic cafe!!! honestly last time was really last minute and i hated my hair. i needed a haircut really bad and i had like 3 inches of solid black roots grown out lol, bot also didn't get time to dye their hair before we went out. so we really just wanted to go back and take better, cuter pics.

THE PEOPLE AT THIS ONE WERE SO FUCKING NICE. we met so many great friends at the last one but this one was WAYYYY more full and all the tables were packed. and EVERYONE who attended this time was so friendly, welcoming, and excited. the staff implemented new guessing games to play which was a ton of fun. in the line we met a lovely new friend named renee who was A FELLOW JYUTO STAN HELL YEAAAAA!!! she brought her matenrou and mtc plushies and we all got to sit together and crack jokes!! WE SALUTE OUR MEN IN UNIFORM! I LOVED THIS ROUND OF THE CAFE SOOOO FUCKING MUCH AND I'M SO GLAD WE WENT BACK!! i also got to meet one of my instagram moots from back when i actively used ig, we have been moots for ALMOST 10 YEARS. and they are another canon yowapeda username haver. i was like completely in disbelief when i saw them bc i'm like HELLO I KNOW YOU??? BUT I DON'T BUT I DO?? yeah this one was a fucking blast. here's a huge image dump.

we stayed in this incredibly nice hotel in manhattan beach that i got for dirt cheap. shoutout again to my hilton employed sister lmao i love being hilton rewards members now.

then we filled it w hypmic shit LMAO


okay you cant really see them but bot was putting our nuis in ichiro's giant yaoi hand lol

people kept pointing out that our hair is very hifudoppo coded and idk how i didnt realize that sooner. our whole relationship, bot usually has red hair, and i'm usually blonde... HOW DID I NOT CONNECT THESE DOTS

i look like that meme of the girl standing next to the burning house......

this EXTREMELY CURSED ramuda that renee got out of a vending machine. she managed to barter him off for something, so there is a new bearer of the curse...

i won't lie, the dotsuitare honpo fried chicky fucking ate


we got so lucky to pull the jyuto cheki which was literally the only thing i wanted out of this whole endeavor lol. also we were seated right by a ramuda and kuko stans sitting at a dif table, who got jyuto and jyushi placemats. we got ramuda and kuko placemats LMAO so we traded!! we also got to give away a lot of the merch we bought to other people whose favs we noticed! it feels much better to give the merch away then hoard it like a dragon or trade it honestly. it just absolutely makes peoples day to get their favs.

the chekis in question (bot had gotten the jyushi at the previous cafe visit)

i had to go ALL THE WAY TO FUCKING CALIFORNIA to find the lee know acordion version of hop.

but i'm glad i stayed committed to finding it because we pulled both our biases and dad!

the finale...... our entire merch haul.. yes we are insane

"we should buy this, right? they are mated in our omegaverse au after all"

also here's my full fit. no you are not looking up my skirt it's a skort.

it's crazy that we were in california a week ago and now everything there is on fire. the way LA looks right now is really scary. my heart goes out to those who have lost anything to the fires and i hope everyone is safely evacuating if they get the warning notification. i'm putting this article of california fire relief resources in this blog just in case someone stumbles across it who might need it!

anyway if i open my eyes in a photo, i get killed and respawn at the hospital like in GTA. the more you know. BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!