skin and song of the day:

☆ skin: okamiwii
☆ song: summer of love by gekkan probowler

i have nothing to do or say other than the fact that i cannot STAND prowl transformers. praxus prowl. prowl of petrex. depending on continuity. autobot prowl. however you want to refer to him. i hate this fucking bitch with every fiber of my being. in g1 he did nothing for me. i was glad to see him die in the 86 movie. then all hail megatron came out and he was there. then spotlight: prowl happened and worse, spotlight: kup happened. then all of idw happened. all of RiD happened. THE WRECKERS HAPPENED.

this is my holy bible. a fun story: when i first met my now-fiancée and they came over to hangout with me, something compelled me to pull out my wreckers saga book and sit on the floor and describe to them in detail everything about prowl and tarantulas. i had to sit there and explain tarantulas in beast wars was totally different from idw tarantulas, and og prowl was different from shitty poopy butt idw prowl. and how they had a kid together and how tarantulas tried to kill him and blah blah blah. i also showed them a variety of memes i've made about this ship. i also talked about this UNTIL TWO O CLOCK IN THE MORNING UNTIL THEY HAD TO LEAVE TO GO TO WORK. real real real autism hours i will say. and yet still somehow they liked me and now we're getting married. i guess the moral of this short story is that you WILL find your person who will listen to you talk about prowlrantulas, the biggest red flag ship of all red flag ships, and still love you regardless.
another fun fact is that on twitter i have the username prowlrantulas. i used that account as my side account to lament about my love hate relationship with prowl and chronicle my nanowrimo challenges about him. 16,000 fucking tweets about prowl. tarantulas too (tarantulas is actually my favorite character in the entire transformers franchise, which is an INSANE statement from me because of the degree to which i love whirl, prowl, and shockwave, but anyway) but i have much more things to say about prowl and much more derogatory terms to call him. for some reason twitter now suspects that my prowlrantulas account is a bot, due to me only having 6 followers (my closest friends and my old main account lmfaoooo) so i have been banished from tweeting about prowl until elon figures out that i am in fact a real person with 16,000 things to say about the fucking police car transformer.
also historical moon lore. most of my nanowrimo endeavors are prowlrantulas related, sadly. hetalia and prowlrantulas. nanowrimo is the site where you challenge yourself to write a 50,000 novel in 30 days. lots of people have used the site and the challenge to write things of actual substance (most notably, the novel 'water for elephants' was originally a nanowrimo project) but i have used it as a vessel for writing my depraved fanfics very quickly. this is just because i really dont like to sit and stew on the things i'm writing, i prefer to just DUMP IT until it's finished and then go back and polish my turds at a later date. i wrote my first prowlrantulas novel as a really quick nano challenge and finished it in about 17 days. i was writing about 4k words a day about prowl and tarantulas and the fucked up babies they would theoretically hatch if prowl had accepted tarantulas' offer in sins of the wreckers. i became obsessed with one of the babies (who later became a fully developed OC named malign) and kept writing about them. then i had the idea to write about shattered glass prowlrantulas.
i love shattered glass because it's not a mirror image of the "original" universe. there is a lot of nuance to the characters and i have my own personal interpretations of them. in MY OWN opinion, i gotta stress over and over that this isn't necessarily canon SG prowl, but my own SG prowl, he should be self-serving, charming, cunning, and i believe he should hide nothing. prowl is so secretive and underhanded in everything he does. SG prowl should be a master manipulator because in my opinion he should be completely open about everything fucked up and twisted that he does. and SG tarantulas should have the most mental clarity out of any character in the entire franchise lol. the one motherfucker who is so blinded by his own desire to create and do things for the sake of invention and the sake of testing his limits, should definitely by the one who actually asks himself about his own morals very frequently. he's mentally sound. that's what i'm getting at. lmao.
anyway why am i talking about this again lol???? yeah i went down the rabbit hole of prowlrantulas AUs and before i knew it, i had written 3 fics all in the same universe, then the SG fic, and figured hey, why not write a fic that fucks with the timeline, so that all of these can be like. concurrent things i guess. there is nothing transformers does more than fucking with timelines. which has since spawned into my thanos infinity stone gauntlet of 12 long fanfics that took over my life for...... years.
i have lost several years of my life writing about, talking about, and thinking about prowl and tarantulas. i despise prowl SO MUCH that all i do is think about him and write about him. my head is so full of prowl ideas and prowl things. i'll drink a cup of water and be like lol. prowl cant drink a cup of water. i got tarantulas' "i want you. i want us." text bubble from sins of the wreckers tattooed onto the side of my neck. just out of pure whatever i feel about them and their love story and their saga of bullshit. i also have the signed "sins of the fathers" print hanging on my wall. the "which one of my dads are you" meme immortalized into beautiful art of my fucking boys. prowl and tarantulas being the divorced pieces of actual shit that they are, kup is there as the bonus dad, and fucking springer, who i could go off about in a whole separate blog post because YEOWWWCHH i adore him. i can never say "i cant stand springer" like i do about his parents lmao. i love him.

when i say prowlrantulas is "my otp" i mean it in the truest sense of the term. that is my ONE true pairing. this is the hill i actually choose to die on. if i exploded tomorrow and my family got my computer, i hope they realize that it's just full of stories about the two of them. like that's all i got lol.
here are some of my memes so you can suffer with me. some of these i made myself, some of them are from twitter and tumblr, and some i just stumbled across randomly. i'm sorry i don't have the sources but if you made one please know i love you and i will remove it or credit if asked.

oh yeah, and here's my playlist featuring only carly rae jepsen songs pertaining to prowlrantulas. i'm 100% convinced her entire discography was covertly written about this ship due to the reoccurring, cyclical themes present in every song she has ever written. ta daaaa BYE