LINK TO ME! want to be pals? let's exchange buttons! feel free to drop your link in my guestbook and i would be happy to put your button on my website! please don't hotlink, upload to your own server. just link to:

88 x 31 size:

blinkie size:

My Discord: @midousujis

My VSCO account

also, my old instagram account that i use maybe once a year!

My GaiaOnline

*note: in light of recent events about how the company is run + safety issues within nanowrimo, i no longer participate in writing challenges on the official nanowrimo platform. i still do my 50k challenge twice a year and choose to leave this page up as a testament to my past achievements ! once i find a viable replacement i will put it here instead!!

My Nanowrimo

My Artgram Warframe Gallery

My Figure Collection

more blinkies and icons!